Popular science (2638), Tales (1502), School, training (1154), Geography (740), Politics (607), Agriculture (437), Biology (434), Vocational education (396), History (339), Industry (323), Junior (304), Geography of Hungary (299), Biography (276), Art (248), Fine arts (229), Literature (200), Physics (190), Hungarian history (187), Transportation (171), Sounded slide (169), Hungarian literature (169), Healthcare (166), Botany (160), Cartoon-based (123), Architecture (119), ...
The english site is coming soon.![]() ![]() 1985
The Social Obligations and Responsibilities of the Working Class, of the Skilled Workers of Today (A mai munkásság, a szakmunkások társadalmi kötelezettsége, felelőssége )
History, Politics, School, training, Sounded slide